Bhatkal: The students of Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management (AITM) Bhatkal had participated in a two day National Level Technical Fest held at K.L.E. Institute of Technology (KLEIT) Hubli. It was held under the banner name ADVITIYA 2016 on 23rd and 24th of September 2016. The students of AITM successfully won 17 prizes in the event and were champions at ADVITIYA. The competition was held between more than 100 participants in each event.
The names of the winners are as listed below:
Farhan Ahmed
Nasif Ahmed
Balachandra R Jogi
Laxmish Devadig
Saif Ruknuddin
Pramod Shastri
Ravi Naik
Abdul Mushi
Fatima Urfah Ruknuddin
Fathima Mehanaz
AITM Principal Dr. M.A.Bhavikatti congratulated the students on their achievements.
The victorious students thanked their Principal Dr.M A Bhavikatti, Vice Principal Prof H.M.Phalachandra ,Media Coordinator Professor Subramanya Bhagwath for giving them the proper encouragement and motivation needed to participate in the competition.