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Bhatkal: NHAI Ignores In-Charge Minister's Instructions as Highway Toll Fee Ban Depends on Notification Cancellation

Mon, 10 Jul 2023 19:14:17  IG Bhatkali   S O News
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Bhatkal: It is true that the contracting firm has left the four-lane highway in a deteriorated state, which passes along the coast. However, halting the collection of highway tolls alone is not as simple as it may sound. It can be said that the Uttara Kannada district in-charge minister's notice for the cancellation of toll fees was not implemented on day one, due to legal complications. Furthermore, canceling the toll fees will only be possible if the earlier notification issued by the National Highway Authority is stayed, but this is also likely to be challenged by the contracting company.

If 75% of the quarter work is completed, the contracting company is permitted to collect toll fees to recover the invested funds through toll collection. However, the contracting company IRB is charging 100% fees instead of 75%, deceiving the public. Additionally, the Highways Authority continues to increase the fees every February, even if the work is not completed, which seems like collecting fees without any hesitation! This raises doubts about whether the authority and the contracting agency have reached an agreement.

بھٹکل: نیشنل ہائی وے پر ٹول وصولی روکنے کا معاملہ - ضلع انچارج وزیر کی ہدایت کا نہیں ہوا کوئی اثر 

Authority's decision-making: The National Highway Authority should make a decision to halt toll collection on four-lane Highway 66. It was the authorities who granted permission for toll collection when the contracting company cited that 75% of the work was completed. Therefore, they themselves need to issue a notice for the suspension of tolls. No other instructions can be followed apart from this.

Discussion required at the level of MPs and Ministers: Recently, MP Ananthakumar Hegde held a meeting where he reprimanded the authority and the contracting agency regarding the issues with the four-lane highway. He also issued a strict instruction to file an FIR against the authority and the contractor in case of an accident. Furthermore, he has been raising objections about the progress of the four-lane work for many years. Now, the district in-charge minister and the MLA have also raised objections to the work and have warned about halting toll collection. Therefore, MPs, ministers, and MLAs need to collaborate to caution the authority and the contracting agency in the interest of the people of the district.

No response to the minister's instructions: District in-charge minister Mankal Vaidya instructed to suspend toll collection from Karwar to Bhatkal until the work is fully completed in a meeting held on Saturday in Karwar. There are three tolls at Hattikeri, Holegadde, and Shirur on National Highway 66, and toll fees are being collected daily. However, the work is still incomplete. Although the minister instructed to stop toll collection until the work is completed and the traffic is smooth, no response was received on the first day.

Toll collection as usual at all three toll gates: In light of the incomplete work on the four-lane national highway, district in-charge minister Mankal Vaidya instructed to suspend toll collection at three toll booths in the district. However, it was observed that toll collection is ongoing as usual. 

Sooraj Naik Sony Support: JDS leader Sooraj Naik Soni has welcomed the directive issued by District In-charge Minister Mankal Vaidya to halt toll collection until the completion of the highway four-lane work. He expressed concern over the unscientific work carried out by the IRB company throughout the district, which has led to increased hardships for motorists. The company's half-hearted and inadequate work has resulted in collapsing hills during the rainy season, causing damage to nearby houses and flooding of residential and agricultural land due to poor drainage, leaving people shocked. It is important to note that the national highway work is still ongoing, yet toll collection has been in effect since February 9, 2020. Additionally, the insufficient functioning of street lights on the highway has contributed to a series of accidents.

Sony further emphasized that in the midst of these issues, District In-charge Minister Mankal Vaidya has proposed the suspension of toll charges at all toll booths in the district. Sony expressed full support for the minister's strong stance and highlighted past efforts in fighting against the unscientific work of the IRB company, despite a lack of cooperation from local residents. Sony concluded by stating that it is essential to follow the minister's instructions and immediately halt toll charges.