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Burglary at well-known businessman's house in Bhatkal

Sat, 24 Jun 2023 00:47:36    S O News

Bhatkal: A theft has occurred at the residence of Mr. Abdul Rehman Shahbandari, a well-known businessman of Bhatkal and the owner of Ribco. The thieves broke into the house by tampering with the lock after confirming that the house was unoccupied. They managed to escape gold ornaments and foreign currencies, including 7 lakhs Indian rupees in cash.

Mr. Abdul Rehman, who frequently travels for business purposes as his business is spread across different cities, had gone to Bangalore on June 21 for a prior commitment. When his driver arrived at the house this morning, the theft was discovered.

بھٹکل کے ایک معروف بزنس مین کے مکان پر چوری کی واردات؛ ڈاگ اسکواڈ اور فنگر پرنٹس ماہرین کے ذریعے جانچ شروع

Upon receiving the information, Circle Police Inspector Chandan Gopal, PSI Shridhar Naik, and other personnel from the Rural Police Station promptly arrived at the scene and gathered the necessary details.

The incident took place in the Venkatapur area, which lacks hustle and bustle and does not have any CCTV cameras installed, despite the presence of beautiful buildings. The entire compound displayed broken glass on the walls, making it difficult for anyone to enter easily. However, a family member mentioned that the entrance gate had been damaged by a tipper lorry a week ago, leaving it open.

ಭಟ್ಕಳದ ಖ್ಯಾತ ಉದ್ಯಮಿ ಮನೆಗೆ ಕನ್ನ; ಲಕ್ಷಾಂತರ ರೂ ನಗದು ಚಿನ್ನಾಭರಣ ಲೂಟಿ

The police suspect that the thieves took advantage of these circumstances when planning the incident. According to the police, the thieves initially gained access to the house by breaking the handle and lock of the door. Subsequently, they proceeded to break internal doors, resulting in the theft of approximately seven lakh Indian rupees, 1800 riyals, 3300 dinars, 4409 dollars, around 110 grams of gold jewelry, and two watches.

Following the registration of a theft case at the rural police station, the police have initiated an investigation with the assistance of a dog squad and a team of fingerprint experts from Karwar.

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