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Bhatkal: Infant rescued from life-threatening button incident, Undergoes careful monitoring in ICU

Mon, 14 Aug 2023 23:30:41  IG Bhatkali   SO News Service
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Bhatkal: A two-month-old girl's life was endangered by a lodged pant button in her neck. The medical staff at the government hospital successfully removed the button after a substantial effort.

The incident transpired on a Sunday evening, involving Amrita, the two-month-old daughtejeans-buttonr of Kamal Kishore from Bihar. Kamal Kishore had been residing in Ranginkatta for a decade. Dr. Satish, an ENT specialist responsible for extracting the button, informed Sahil Online that the event occurred during his night duty. Upon the baby girl's arrival at the hospital that evening, she was not breathing. Immediate oxygen support was administered to her. Upon inquiry, the parents were unsure whether the baby had ingested any foreign object. The parents expressed disbelief at the possibility of a two-month-old baby swallowing anything. Dr. Satish observed symptoms indicating an obstruction in the girl's throat, hindering her ability to breathe. The baby's uncle recounted that the doctor attempted to insert a tube down her throat, resulting in the girl vomiting. Subsequently, a jeans button lodged in her throat was dislodged through this process.

Kamal Kishore is also a parent to a two-year-old daughter who was playing with Amrita. It is presumed that during their playtime, the elder daughter mistakenly placed the button in the baby's mouth. The button was swallowed, subsequently becoming stuck in her throat.

Although the button's removal was successful, the girl experienced oxygen deprivation, necessitating supplemental oxygen. Later, she suffered a convulsion and vomited, raising concerns of another foreign object being lodged in her throat. To address these suspicions, we conducted a scan of the girl's throat. Fortunately, the scan results were normal. Dr. Satish reported that the baby girl appears healthy but is experiencing seizures. Consequently, she has been admitted to the ICU and is receiving attentive care.

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